Thursday, April 9, 2009

5 Days Solo Hiking, Hunting & Exploration Expedition

After i crossed the 23 Kilometers of this Escarpment, witch is 195 Mt. high: "So Flat, Rocky & very very Windy" Then i started serching for the easiest way down and finally i did it safely.

I then decided to Shoot this Video while i rest for a bit and also think of a good shelter to spend the night, specially that it started to rain:)

Anyway i continued my hike South East through the Wady el Deeb or the "Woolf Wady" searching for the best shelter againest the wind. At the end i had to dig my own "HOLE" to sleep in...

To tell you the truth i went in deep sleep in less than 5 Min.'s but had to wake up at 2:00Am,

When attacked by this visius Wild Field Dog, witch kept me awake since i started shooting him away and waiting for the Sun to rise. (I wish i had my Shot Gun) It was a surprise and also very scary, specially when you are sleeping alone without any shelter... I Thank Mighty God for saving my Soul by not Daying in such an agly way:))

I stayed for 5 days in paradise. I really enjoyed this trip even much more than if i had anyone with me. I was also able to discover new places that i've never been before and tryed enjoing every moment on this Solo Hiking & Hunting Expedition...



Your Blog is really what I like, perhaps search in different way, but have the same sense. I will followed your blog wiht pleasure .

Cairofruen said...

Hi Amir,

I know you went on this trip because of me and my friends. It is unbeleivable. How someone can do something like this for someone else they only met once. You are special Amir, and I was so worried about you these days as I knew you were all alone. Someone must have been taking care of you, and i was so happy to hear that you were ok in the end. I wish you the best in life Amir!!

Desert Prince said...

Thank you so much Elin for the beautifull words and your very special spirit...

You are a very special person and also a very senstive one...

I admired you so much and wanted you to know that i'm so glad to know a great peron like you...

Thank you for all you've done, because without your help, i would have never seen these amazing places during my hike, this is all because of you. I was even more happy when i knew later that my work came out with success and these evil creashers are dead:)