The Horned Egyptian Gazell is one of the most indangered spiecies on our Planet. Unfortunatly, Arabs from Soudi, Kewait, Katar, Bahrain and most of these rich, uncicelized plesure Hunters are coming each year and even in different places and Protected Areas.
Well this is only a very litle portion of the many other huge danger and distruction happening under the name (Protected Area) to our Wildlife in the Western Desert and Oases of Egypt. I think they should feel real Shame taking Bribes to sell your most valubale Tresure, which we can never compare it with money. Not only that, but while digging out a Marine fossile that dates back 38 to 40 Million years old and while getting them out to cell they destroy any evedance of the place, since most of the Protected areas here, where never really Excivated. Also due to it's Remoteness, Harsh Inviroment, inhospitable and most of all extremely Wide to cover every spot.
I hope some day these beautiful, amazing, inspiring, breathtaking, exciting and joyfull Parks are Realy ( PROTECTED )